Reducing Scope 1+2+3


We are moving aggressively to curtail emissions at our operated sites 

The scientific community has spoken with one voice, notably in the IPPC Sixth Assessment Report published in 2022, in affirming the crucial role played by cumulative greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) – three-quarters of which originate in the production or use of energy – in heating our planet, and their impact on our environment and communities. Scientists have reiterated the need to take action to reduce those emissions and collectively reach carbon neutrality. That requires a sweeping transformation of our energy systems. 

In early 2019, TotalEnergies made public our aim to reduce our net Scope 1+2 emissions from our operated activities by at least 40% from 2015 levels. This goal is in line with the objective of the European Union's "Fit for 55" program (-37% between 2030 and 2015) and the IEA's Net Zero Emissions 2022 (-35% between 2015 and 2030.


In 2022, there was a 13% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to 2015, totaling approximately 40 million tons of CO2 equivalent. TotalEnergies' targets include emissions generated by the electricity growth strategy it has undertaken since 2015, which has driven the Company to create a flexible combined cycle gas (CCGT) electricity generation portfolio. In 2022, oil and gas activities and related emissions decreased by more than 29% compared to 2015 levels, going from 46 to 33 Mt CO2 in 2022 (I would put this figure in the graph). In 2022 over 110 projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We have reduced emissions by 0.8 million tonnes of CO2 across our managed resources. In September 2022, the Company decided to launch a two-year plan to accelerate energy efficiency initiatives with the aim of saving almost 2 Mt of CO2 in Oil & Gas operations. Thanks to this plan, TotalEnergies is accelerating its 2025 emissions reduction target of 2 Mt CO2 annually. 


Reducing scope 3 emissions, together with society  

Under scope 3, we report emissions corresponding to Category 11 of the GHG Protocol, “Use of Sold Products”. To avoid double counting and omissions, and in accordance with the petroleum industry reporting guidelines published by ipieca* 3, the emissions counted are based on the largest volume in each value chain (oil, gas or biofuels), i.e., the higher of production or sales. 

Under Scope 3, TotalEnergies has since 2016 reported Category 11 emissions related to the use by its customers of products sold for final use – in other words, the emissions released when those products are burned to obtain energy, because customer use of these products constitutes the bulk of an energy Company’s Scope 3 emissions. 

Transportation and shipping accounted for aboout 25% of the world’s energy-related CO2 emissions in 2021. So decarbonizing mobility represents a major challenge.  

* ipieca - Estimating petroleum industry value chain (Scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions 


TotalEnergies is progressively adapting its downstram refining and distribution of petroleum products, which now account for a much smaller share of the energy mix sell. Scope 3 Category 11 emissions from the Company’s oil value chain fell by more tahn 25% over 2015-2022.  

On the strenght of that trend, we are accelerating our targets: we have now set 2025, rather than the previous date of 2030, as our target date for reducing our Scope 3 oil emissions by 30% in absolute terms from 2015 levels, and for 2030 we have increased our target reduction to 40%.  


Scope 3 Gas Emissions: Contributing to Lower Emissions from Electricity and Industry 

Gas-fired power plants are a flexible resource for power generation and can be mobilized quickly; as a result, they offer a secure backup for grids designed to be powered increasingly by inter-mittent renewable sources.  

Gas-fired plants discharge half the greenhouse gases of the coal-powered plants that still, in some countries, account for the majority of power generation capacity. Natural gas can also replace coal or fuel oil for other applications, such as generating heat for industry or homes. 

TotalEnergies sells a significant percentage of LNG to the electric industry and in countries aiming for Net Zero. Given the positive role of natural gas, TotalEnergies aims to increase its share of the sales mix by 2030 and has not set a Scope 3 gas reduction target. When a coal-fired power plant is replaced by a gas-fired power plant, greenhouse gas emissions decrease, while TotalEnergies' Scope 3 gas emissions increase.